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Matthew Brune

Co-Founder, Director of External Operations, Podcast Senior Producer

Year: Sophomore

Major: Civil Engineering

Hometown: Wilmington, North Carolina

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

I wanted to transform what was a class project into a full-fledged podcast, and reach as many people as possible. The hard work of all of my teammates has transformed Operation Climate into something much greater than I'd ever imagined!

Fun Fact: Operation Climate was started in the "Generator" room at Gross Hall!

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Emily Nagamoto

Podcast Executive Producer, Executive Audio Engineer

Year: Freshman

Major: Earth and Ocean Sciences

Hometown: Newbury Park, California

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

We are in the middle of a climate crisis, yet many people don't know the basics of climate change, let alone how it intersects with all other facets of life. I want to help inform others and learn about climate change along the way. (I also think that podcasts are super cool and underrated)

Fun Fact: I love vegan baking.

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Rishab Jagetia

Senior Producer

Year: Freshman

Major: Environmental Science and Policy with certificate in Civic Engagement and Social Change

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

I care about climate change and I want more people to care -- it’s pretty fun and inspiring once you get past the depressing stuff!

Dream Day: playing sports literally all day and then eating pancakes at Pitchforks

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Jessie Goldblatt

Social Media Manager, Producer

Year: Freshman

Major: Intended Psychology major with an Environmental Science and Policy minor

Hometown: Port Washington, New York

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

I joined Operation Climate because I wanted to get involved with the environmental education initiative at Duke. I think understanding is the first step in cultivating a greener planet earth, and the podcast is an exciting, accessible medium for delivering information and facilitating conversation. I am thrilled to be a part of such important work and can’t wait for you to come along!

A little bit about me: I love yoga, dark chocolate, Parks and Recreation, and the cartwheel 🤸‍♀️ emoji. 

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Katherine Li

Co-Founder, Director of Internal Operations, Podcast Executive Producer

Year: Junior

Major: Civil Engineering with certificate in Energy and the Environment

Hometown: Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

I'm passionate about climate action and I feel that science communication and storytelling is a powerful tool to stir conversations on the climate crisis. Climate change is an issue that is affecting, or will affect everyone on the planet, and so environmental literacy is needed now more than ever. I believe that education and sparking inclusive discussions on the topic of climate action and its intersections can inspire many people to take real action.


Climate is changing.

Destroy the patriarchy,

Not our Mother Earth!!!!

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Clare Sparling

Podcast Executive Producer, Audio Engineer

Year: Freshman

Major: Biology and Environmental Science

Hometown: Fairfax, Virginia

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

I am really interested in environmental education and love talking about climate-related topics!

Fun Fact: I love kayaking in my free time

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Ryan Lou

Communications Manager, Senior Producer

Year: Freshman

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

The climate crisis is one of the most imminent issues facing our world, so I'm glad to be a part of Operation Climate. Working on this podcast has been a tremendous opportunity to raise awareness and inspire others to take action against anthropogenic climate change.

Favorite TV Shows: Community, The Office, Sherlock, Peaky Blinders

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Valerie Tsao

Co-Founder, Director of Initiatives, Podcast Senior Producer, Audio Engineer

Year: Junior

Major: Civil Engineering with Certificate in Architectural Engineering

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

Environmental sustainability has always been an issue that has intrigued me, but it wasn't until I got to Duke that I realized its prevalence and impact on the future of our planet. Being a part of Operation Climate has been my call to action and a chance to shed light on discussions that need to be made today in order to preserve the possibilities of tomorrow.

Words to Live By: be blessed, prosperous, and productive

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Georgie Stammer

Social Media Manager, Senior Producer

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Champlin, Minnesota

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

Environmental issues are some of the most urgent of our generation, and working on Operation Climate has been an amazing way to learn about them and engage in important conversations. I want to help change minds and inspire positive change!

Fun Fact: My favorite movies are GATTACA & WALL-E!

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Olivia Fox

Senior Producer

Year: Freshman

Major: Civil/Environmental Engineering

Hometown: Madison, Alabama

Why I joined Operation Climate: 

I have always been passionate about our environment, so coming to Duke I wanted a way to actually make a difference in the community regarding climate activism and literacy. Operation Climate has allowed me to do just that, and it's been a great experience already! So excited to be on the team!

Fun Fact: My two favorite places are total opposites: Kauai, HI, and Breckenridge, CO.

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